Connect Groups
Click Connect Groups for information
Meet in Homes
- 20s and 30s | North Wichita | Smith – Newly/nearly-weds, families with young children, and singles.
- 20s and 30s | South Wichita/ Derby | Hoger – Newly/nearly-weds, families with young children, and singles.
- 30s and 40s | NW Wichita | Shores/ Metts — Families with teens, pre-teens and younger children
Meet Sunday Mornings • 9:30 am - 10:35 am
- 40s and 50s | Downtown | Quiggle/ Spain — Families with college students, adult children and older teens
- 60s and 70s | Downtown | Dunning/ Gray / Smith – Couples and Singles, opening starts in the gym with 3 options for classes.
- 70s and above | Downtown | Doss/ Norton – Couples and Singles
Grow Discipleship
- Grow Groups are an essential part of our church-wide discipleship strategy called Grow. Our Grow groups consist of 3 men or 3 women who are committed to growing in Christ through discipling one another. Check out our Grow Groups page.
For more information, please contact Josh Metts, Associate Pastor, in the church office or at